It's been one of those crazy, rollercoaster-of-emotional-highs-and-lows couple of weeks for me here in the 'burbs. I've counted my blessings every morning, and cried myself to sleep more than a few nights. **Awesome** And so as I sit here at my computer to punch out a few thoughts, process some pain, and try to remain grounded, I'm brought back to a place where I have the most profound sense of gratitude for the most tangible of blessings: Friends.
I appreciate the people in my life who are dependable. True to their word. Honest. Open. Unafraid of intimacy-- not just physical intimacy, but emotional intimacy--as in being vulnerable and real, unguarded, walls down.
I am grateful for the friends who I can call when I'm feeling shattered. And for those who I can just send a message asking for prayer, no questions asked, and know that I'm being lifted up in that very moment.
I am blessed by the friends who check in just to say "hey" or to share something silly/awesome/crappy that just happened, whether through social media or the old-fashioned way.
I am so thankful for the friendships that have been built and grown over time, whether bonded through common faith, life passions, or shared history.
I love the friends who I can laugh with, cry with, dream big with, and do life with. Who challenge me but don't try to compete with me. Who inspire me but don't judge me. Who just let me be me, and actually like it that way.
New friends and old, long-lost and reconnected- you are each and every one a treasure to me. I do love you. I do pray for the best for you. I do enjoy your company and the memories we've created together. And I do look forward to the next time I see you.
Life will always be a funny thing, filled with ups and downs, amazing victories and crushing defeats. Count your blessings, cherish your loved ones, be you. And thank you for being a friend. (Bonus points if you have the "Golden Girls" theme song in your head right now. High five if you also can't help but think of JT's "You've Got a Friend" rolling in there as well.)
A potpourri of honest experiences and observations on: Dating, Travel, Hockey, Hens, Cats, Adult Children, Blessings, Pet Peeves, Alter Egos and the Quest for Good Health.
Your committment to Tumaini is an inspiration to me, Michelle. Thank you for showing me what it is to not fear the unknown. Also, I admire your adventursome spirit!
Thank you Trudy! Your sweet, mellow spirit is an inspiration to me. XO