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Peace & Blessings,

Chiquita Blondita


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Breaking Point

What do you do when you are about to reach your breaking point?

Are you the type of person who retreats, or seeks comfort? Vents, or explodes? Do you crave the close company of a friend, or the anonymity of strangers? Push back or ride it out? Try to get numb with food/drink/drugs/sex/shopping/whatever, or cry out to a higher power for some sort of a sign and a hall pass?

We all have our own ways of trying to cope, and if we're being honest, there are probably a few unhealthy ways of dealing with the drama that creeps up in our lives. I know that when I am on the edge of a full-scale breakdown, there is nothing I won't try to delay the inevitable (a.k.a, me curled up in a quivering mass of tears and snot). Oh sure, I do start out honorably, best of intentions, blah-blah-blah, but when nothing seems to be taking the problem away my honor goes out the window. I will be the first to admit that I can easily cave in and let the problem overtake me. Whatever, sometimes I'm weak. But maybe, just maybe, there's something that I missed on the road to whatever disaster I'm struggling with. Maybe... it's not really a disaster at all.

All of the complaining, day dreaming, and avoidance tactics won't make the problem go away, but it will make me (and those around me) totally miserable. What if the drama/heartache/breakdown/disaster in my path is really just an invitation to make some positive changes and live a more authentic life?

We were created and designed to live full, beautiful, productive and joyful lives, regardless of our circumstances. If I find that I am in a place where I feel stuck, unmotivated, angry, disrespected or defeated, there's a reason for it. It means that something major has to change: either my circumstances, or me. Of the two, there's only one that I have any control over, so...

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