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Peace & Blessings,

Chiquita Blondita


Friday, June 3, 2011

Launching a Vision, Pt. 3- Seeds to Seedlings

A month ago today, I was boarding a plane and leaving Kenya. Again.

This wasn't my first rodeo, so to speak, so I had spent the previous 24 hours trying to prepare myself mentally and emotionally for the next leg of my journey; not just the grueling flights in coach, anticipated airport drama, and hours without the ability to sleep, shower, or escape the pressing crowds for just a few moments of privacy [read: sanity]. No, I knew I needed to prepare myself for the inevitable funk I would have to deal with in coming back to my so-called normal life. Having made this trip more than a few times before, I knew I was going to be in for some serious soul-searching and dissatisfaction going back to the daily grind of office politics, social media sites, and a general sense of feeling like I should be doing something... more.

Over the past month, I've given my thoughts and prayers to the little seeds of a vision that was planted in Kenya, and asked God to bless the WE (Women's Empowerment) ministry being launched by William, Mary, and Kalekye.

Here's a recent update from William that made me cry in a good way: Kalekye, Mary and I have been spending good time together. You can be sure that the three of us have bonded better than before. For the last few weeks, Kalekye has been doing simple jobs at Mary's hotel. This has helped her get some little money for food. The last meeting we held saw us settle on having Kalekye do a simple vegetable shop, whereby she can be selling kales, and onions. Kalekye came up with the idea and good enough Mary offered to provide ready market for the kales every day. I chose to provide the starting capital of one thousand Kenya shillings. Mary will as well do the monitoring, but I will also be available as well. We are working with Kalekye alone before we recruit any one else. Meanwhile, Kalekye will continue working at Mary's hotel for some hours of the day to supplement for her house cares like food and house rent.

... This morning I was talking to a lady who is a member of our Church. She is living with HIV/AIDS and wonders how she can raise support for her family. I realize how the WE ministry can really minister to the needs of such a people.

If you know the backstory of these three people, you will understand that what is happening is a small miracle and a beautiful picture of God's grace being poured out through good people choosing to invest their time and care into the life of another. Not for their own glory. Not for their own publicity. Not for anything other than to reach into the messy, dirty, broken life of another and walk together through the rough places on the way to healing and restoration. Put simply, they are living out the example of God's love.

I am so excited to see what happens next. In the meantime, I am going to focus on being grateful for the life I've been given, enjoy each day as best as I can and continue to look for ways to give back, because this is what makes me truly happy.

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