
Hey, thanks for stopping by. I hope you will enjoy reading my entries, and please feel free to comment or share. Oh yeah- really sorry about all the weird ads.

Peace & Blessings,

Chiquita Blondita


Sunday, July 21, 2013

Falling From Grace

Well Geez, Louise- it's been a year-ish since I've poured my heart/soul/guts out on here. So much has happened since my last post. The Biggies: Dad diagnosed with Dementia, probable cause being early Alzheimer's Disease; I got a new job to supplement my million other jobs; I survived the NHL lockout & subsequent shortened season; and my favorite, I fell in love with an absolutely wonderful guy who makes me feel loved every day.

And, somewhere in the mix, I stopped going to church. Like, totally. And [spoiler alert] I'm completely OK with it. I'm at peace.

Now, I know that some people in and around my life are concerned by this. They wonder if I've slid back into my wicked old ways, if I've turned my back on God, if I've gone off the deep end, if I've fallen from grace. No, actually, I don't believe I have. And it's nothing against my church, or the people in it. It's a good church. And it's full of good people doing good things. It's just that, as good and lovely and wonderful as it may be, I simply do not want to be there anymore... wherever "there" may be. I'm not talking about being accepted, or even feeling welcomed. I know that I am accepted. Most certainly, I do feel welcomed. But I do not feel like I belong there anymore. And if I'm being honest, my greatest need has always been to feel like I belong. And I did... until I didn't. And it's OK.

It wasn't all that long ago that I couldn't imagine not being part of a church. I used to love going every week, and for years I was deeply involved in my church community. I volunteered on the weekends, midweek, holidays, evenings, wherever needed. I traveled on international mission service trips. For a good while, I even worked on staff. I loved everything about it, met some genuinely nice people (and some bat-shit-crazy ones), made some great friends and had a strong support network, which I leaned on heavily through some pretty painful times of loss and grieving. A special few of those friends remain part of my life to this day, and I thank God for them.

It's not about who the pastor is or isn't, what the music is or isn't. It's nothing against the people who go, or those who don't. It's not even a matter of finding the "right" church or a particular service day or time slot that suits me and meets my needs at this stage of my life.

Let me be clear: I love God and love people. And my biggest challenge and driving force is learning how to live that out day by day- authentically, honestly, genuinely. Not dressing a certain way, not learning all the weird church-y words and phrases, not plastering on my fake smile to hide the crap I'm truly struggling with, not endlessly debating over theological nuances, religious symbolism, historical accuracy or current socio-political issues. It's about actually forgiving people, including myself. Not being judgmental or condemning of people who look or live or think differently. Caring deeply for people in my family, my neighborhood, my community, my world. Making a stand for the stuff that matters to me, like justice and dignity for all people. It's about actually LOVING the people in my life-- when it's easy to, and especially when it's not. I just want to live a life of love and service to others, unfettered, free of walls and borders and confinement. I guess what it all boils down to is that I'm tired of going to church. I want to live from here on out as though the entire world is my church.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Surely Autumn Has Come

Surely Autumn has come to sunny Southern California. Sweltering, simmering Summer sunshine still heats the air, the ground, and everything in between, making her final, furious stand as the first leaves start to turn and the calendar insists her time is nearly done for 2012. Blistering temperatures and monsoon weather- nonetheless, surely Autumn has come.

Surely Autumn has also come into my life. A year ago I launched into my own Act 3: WE Care Jewelry & Accessories, LLC a social entrepreneur venture that fills my soul with joy and daily melts away years of pent up stress. I kick myself occassionally for not leaving my old job sooner and starting this project. But hey, I'm still (barely) in my 40's and finally doing what I love, so I can't complain.

Next month, I plan to be back in Kenya working on establishing a co-op where women who are unemployed, underemployed, or unhappily employed can train as artisans and learn to craft beautiful jewelry, sell it at Fair Trade prices, and earn a better living. My goal and prayer is to provide a safe, honest avenue for employment to vulnerable women who would normally be forced to make a living by losing their dignity- either through prostitution or taking menial, no-future jobs, doing whatever they have to to scrape together a few shillings to feed their kids. I want to reach the women who have been abused, abandoned, lack education, or through living a hard life have lost the belief that they deserve more. Just as I was given a second chance, and healing, and hope- I want to offer the same. It may sound weird, but I feel as though I have to- as though my very soul drives me forward and requires it.

And so, as with changing leaves and longer shadows and before too long, that wonderful buzz, that crispness that fills the air and replaces Summer's humid presence- my life has changed. The natural transition from child to adult to middle age, so many calendar pages turned, so many years passed. And now it's here- cool, crisp, electric, unstoppable. Surely Autumn has come.

To learn more about WE Care Jewelry & Accessories, LLC, you can Like us on Facebook.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dark Night

Uh, oh- I'm having one of "those" days.

The kind of day where I wake up feeling really positive, my mind clear and focused, my heart content, and I am at peace... a good day. But as evening draws near, something entirely different starts to creep into my soul, and before I realize it I'm in a weird, lonely frame of mind and the dark place is only a few steps away. Insecurity seems to feast on my disappointment, each tiny slight or setback masquerades as a laughing enemy, pointing a long, cruel finger at me and snickering at my emptiness. The jealous gods condemn and punish me for daring to desire the touch of a lover, the longing to be held close and fall asleep enveloped in strong, safe arms. I can actually feel the tears filling my eyes, stinging, barely contained by my blinking them back; it's pointless to try, and with slumping shoulders I let them fall. Down my cheeks, burning streams scream of silent shame.

I try to talk some sense back into myself. I try to distract myself from the pain, the embarrassment, and it helps for a few minutes. Never long enough. The critic always wins on nights like this, so I shut up and take my lumps. Pathetic. Ugly. Drama Queen. Useless. Joke. Surely it will end soon, this black cloud of the soul will pass and I will feel like myself again. The old wounds will recede, the hissing insults and slander will be replaced by gentle, healing words. Kind. Talented. Strong. Worthy. Beautiful.

Today was a good day. Not a good night. But tomorrow, tomorrow is another day.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I like to think of myself as someone who has developed into a relatively forward-thinking and reasonable person, tempered with a huge portion of passion and intensity. There's a lot going on inside my head and my heart at any given moment, whether or not I choose to let you see it. Growing up, this was more simplistically labled as being "moody" or "emotional" but that's just not accurate. It was most often the label that my Mom, God rest her soul, would throw at me when she or someone else pushed my button and I consequently unleashed one of my deadly glares, scowls, eye rolls, pshaws, and/or litany of verbal counter-attacks, followed by the requisite door slam. "Ay, Mee-chel, joo are so dem MOODY!" God, I miss my Mom. And maybe she was a little bit right. Maybe I am so dem moody. Or maybe, it's just that when I experience injustice, hypocrisy, bullying, or in some way feel the need to defend myself or someone else, it puts me in a fired-up mood and I lose my cool. Passionately.

I've gone to extremes over the years in trying to come to terms with my duality, somehow coming to the conclusion time and again that I wasn't okay. That being emotional or moody could not, should not coexist in the same body as a reasonable, rational, logical being. Embracing one facet as "good" and shunning the other as "bad" did nothing to promote self acceptance, allow me to relish in my uniqueness, or help me learn to love who I am and become the amazing person that God made me to be.

I flashback regularly to periods of my life, viewing myself in hindsight as the girl, the young adult, the middle aged woman trying to reign in and subdue my intense and passionate nature- stuff it down and pretend it doesn't exist, hold it together in a narrow-minded mold that was deemed appropriate, dress and act conservatively (you may as well ask me to grow glitter-encrusted wings) to avoid conflict and keep my head down- for what? To please an employer at a job I can't stand? To fit the ideal of a lover who couldn't appreciate me as I am? Maintain an imbalanced friendship, or remain "accepted" by a certain group of people? How miserable. How utterly unfulfilling.

No more. Never again. I love the fire in me as much as the calm in me. I love the crazy as much as the quiet. I am imperfect, and flawed, and fabulous.

If God truly loves and accepts me, exactly as I am, exactly as I am created to be, then why should it be so damn hard for me to do the same? Why should I give anyone else the power to dictate whether or not I am acceptable-- let alone awesome? I. Am. Awesome. And so are you.

So what if the people in your life don't agree, or try to tell you that somehow you are "less than" based on your beliefs, your lifestyle, your biology, your political leanings, your fashion sense, your country of origin, your sexuality, your hobbies, your ______? What then? Well, this is where it gets a little bit challenging. The decision is yours, and though it is a simple one, it is not an easy one. You, and you alone, get to decide who is allowed a place in your life- who your friends are, who you give your love to, where you work, where you live and who you live with, or without. It might lead to some editing of relationships, or it might mean that some radical changes need to be made; and though that can be scary, it is ultimately what pushes you to be your best self, your happiest you.

If there is one lesson that life has taught me, it is this, courtesy of the great William Shakespeare- "This above all: to thine own self, be true; And it must follow, as the night the day; Thou canst then not be false to any man." 'Hamlet' Act I scene iii Be true to yourself. In no way does this make you selfish; all it makes you, is YOU. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Platonic relationships between Men & Women-- Myth? Urban Legend?

It's not a new question, and I'm certainly not trying to be original. I'm just honestly wondering if it is really possible to have a purely platonic relationship with a man. I would like to believe that Yes, This is Possible, and Fact! I've always claimed it to be so... but is it?

We all have those guy or girl friends that we would totally roll the dice and move forward with if circumstances were right, but this isn't that. The dynamic changes when only one of the two has deeper feelings, romantic leanings towards the other. Complicates things, muddies the water. I have to think that there is some kind of compromise, some shift of power that transpires when a Man and a Woman decide that their relationship will not go beyond the Friend Zone. One person loses, always. The line of demarcation is drawn, clearly and indelibly, when one tells the other in so many words, I'm so glad we are Friends. You're such a great Friend. Blah, blah, blah, Friend, let me tell you all about the guy I'm obsessed with, the girl who I'm getting the butterflies over, the person who just broke my heart. All the while, one person secretly (or not-so-secretly) harbors a crush on the other, but the feeling is just not mutual. Maybe the one who is being admired knows it, and coyly sucks up the attention, knowing full well that it will not be an equal exchange. He or she accepts that romance is not in the cards for them, but chooses to continue "being friends" rather than give up that person's company altogether. Or maybe not, maybe they just never bring it up and pretend nothing's really there, no chemistry, rationalize it away and carry on with the regular things that Friends do. Still someone is left feeling awkward, inadequate, achingly hopeful that maybe it will happen for them just like it does in the movies, because that romantic comedy formula ALWAYS gets us.

For as far back as I can remember, I've always been friends with both boys and girls. Of course I went through the dreaded "boys have cooties" phase, even though I thought it was stupid and I knew they didn't. I still just wanted to play with them- chase, tree tag, kickball, ditch 'em- anything to keep moving, laughing, running wild. Fast forward a few years and add some happy hormones, and my fascination with these muscular, strong, super-cool creatures was piqued. I loved my girlfriends, of course, but boys... well, they were just different. And I like different. But most boys my age weren't attracted to me as they were to other girls; I was too skinny, too pale, too freckled, too smart, too spastic, too tomboyish. But I was always a fun friend, so that's the role I accepted.

In my adult life, almost all the male friends I have are "safe" for me (i.e., unavailable or uninterested) and fit neatly, safely into the Friend Zone, where nobody gets hurt. Or do they? I've had a couple of silly friend-crushes over the years that didn't amount to anything, they were just harmless and fun. Nothing more than some mild flirting with no real risk, really. Just fun, and sometimes, maybe a sucker punch to the heart--like when the object of my more-than-friend affection would suddenly go dark, and I would fall off his radar for days, weeks. Hm. A little hurt. Uncomfortable. And if I have felt that little friend-crush sometimes, I have to wonder if, just maybe, sometimes someone feels a little friend-crush for me and I'm just wholly unaware of it, or semi-consciously blocking it. It's not a fun thought, like a nagging, ragged fingernail that I just want to smooth over as quickly as possible. So yes, it is possible- for a price. The going rate for Platonic is total honesty, having the stones to talk through any unresolved feelings and sometimes having awkward conversations if it means doing so will preserve or strengthen the friendship.

Really, truly, I don't want to hurt anyone, and definitely don't want to be on the other end of hurt either. I don't have the energy for it, frankly, and I would much rather just enjoy life right now rather than be bummed that I'm not "in a relationship" with anyone. It is freeing, and pretty fantastic. I love having men in my life who I can just be friends with, who care for me- and I for them- as a person and a playmate, not a *potential* bedmate. I also enjoy going on non-dates where we can all just get along, have a good time, and nothing gets weird with sexual undertones and hurt feelings. Platonic is easy. Platonic is uncomplicated, drama-free. I will probably always get the squishy, butterfly-in-the-belly feelings from time to time, but it doesn't mean that it has to develop into a romantic thing. And I'm totally OK with that.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


What does it mean to "reinvent" yourself?

What does it take to be "relevant" today?

There is a very fine line between character and caricature, between the perfected and the perfectionist.

For as wonderful as the prospect of starting fresh and feeling like someone who is actually interesting sounds, neither is possible without first breaking down and letting go of who and what you think you are right now, today, this very moment.

My mind is blown on a daily basis by the examples of incredibly courageous people who have broken down the walls they've built and bravely charted new territory, carving out lives of meaning, influence, and deep personal satisfaction. The creative, the artistic, the philosophical, the passionately committed... you inspire me.

Here's to taking the status quo and shoving it off a cliff. I want to test my limits and be more.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Thank You for Being a Friend

It's been one of those crazy, rollercoaster-of-emotional-highs-and-lows couple of weeks for me here in the 'burbs. I've counted my blessings every morning, and cried myself to sleep more than a few nights. **Awesome** And so as I sit here at my computer to punch out a few thoughts, process some pain, and try to remain grounded, I'm brought back to a place where I have the most profound sense of gratitude for the most tangible of blessings: Friends.

I appreciate the people in my life who are dependable. True to their word. Honest. Open. Unafraid of intimacy-- not just physical intimacy, but emotional intimacy--as in being vulnerable and real, unguarded, walls down.

I am grateful for the friends who I can call when I'm feeling shattered. And for those who I can just send a message asking for prayer, no questions asked, and know that I'm being lifted up in that very moment.

I am blessed by the friends who check in just to say "hey" or to share something silly/awesome/crappy that just happened, whether through social media or the old-fashioned way.

I am so thankful for the friendships that have been built and grown over time, whether bonded through common faith, life passions, or shared history.

I love the friends who I can laugh with, cry with, dream big with, and do life with. Who challenge me but don't try to compete with me. Who inspire me but don't judge me. Who just let me be me, and actually like it that way.

New friends and old, long-lost and reconnected- you are each and every one a treasure to me. I do love you. I do pray for the best for you. I do enjoy your company and the memories we've created together. And I do look forward to the next time I see you.

Life will always be a funny thing, filled with ups and downs, amazing victories and crushing defeats. Count your blessings, cherish your loved ones, be you. And thank you for being a friend. (Bonus points if you have the "Golden Girls" theme song in your head right now. High five if you also can't help but think of JT's "You've Got a Friend" rolling in there as well.)